Dear players, welcome. Some of you have never heard of us before and it’s your first time here, while others are already familiar with the project and have been waiting for the launch for a long time. We are happy to announce that this will happen on SEPTEMBER 29th and we look forward to seeing old and new friends. Join now, register your accounts and take benefits of the bonus systems available in the first days of server launch! Today our project offers players two game realms: WotLK x1 «The Blood Furnace», and WotLK x100 «Stranglethorn Vale». ". Both realms are very different in structure and concept; they suit different types of players. Since the beginning of 2019 and until recently, we have been working on the internal development of the server. As a result of this work, a major update of the game worlds was released, and now they are all yours. Chose whatever you like most, a way of adventurer looking for his place in a big world, a place by the campfire with friends by your side sharing stories and legends, or in a middle of a hot blood-splattered battlefield. Whatever it is, enjoy! Meanwhile, our project will focus on external development, promotion of the project and on attracting more players. The website has been completely updated, now it’s more convenient and it looks better. In addition, a large number of players will be brought in with an active advertising campaign. A referral system for inviting friends has been introduced too, and the voting system for the server has been improved, so now you can support us by voting on MMO tops and get a nice reward for this. All core updates and most of new content features has been added to the game. We will be releasing it step by step, when the time is right. It's all – just the beginning. We have cosmic plans. Stay with us, and we will keep you pleased!

Date of publication: 15.07.2023 11:07