Greetings, dear players! We all surely remember those good times when being in a professional, developed guild was very important for its members. If you’re a part of a strong guild, then your days in game are way more pleasant, and game progress becomes more stable too. You can always find allies to help you with a difficult quest, a group of companions to do dungeons, or a reliable partner for PvP-battles who will cover your back. Unfortunately, with the growth of World of Warcraft as a game, with release of new expansion sets and a trend to make the game content more accessible and casual-friendly, this concept has no importance in the eyes of the gaming community, people have simply lost the sense of teamwork, and this has affected their very involvement and dedication to the game. But not here, cuz we've had enough. The value of character progression and gaming experience of each player is our priority, so we want to bring the spirit of gaming community back. Our team proudly presents you the GUILD RATING, the actual progression system for guilds, clans, gangs, improved and implemented into WotLK 3.3.5 version. By default, all guilds can be judged by activity, organization, strength, and good gear of the guild members. But the new "Guild Ranking" mod is a completely new format. From now on, you can literally level up your guild! Each new level will give all guild members a set of certain passive bonuses. The more level your guild gets, the better bonuses it has. The more you improve it, the more people will want to join your guild. A high level guild is a guild that spent time and resources to progress further, and being its member means you can enjoy some very good benefits that make difference, doesn’t matter if you are just about to hit level ten, or during the endgame at maximum level. At the same time, the "GUILD RATING" is well-thought out, and does not break the basic balance of the game, in some ways it is suits the game and community needs better than retail version.

You can read more about bonuses and ways to increase your guild rating on forum:

Date of publication: 14.07.2023 12:07